Inscription #15152

Cosmic Gems #047

Cosmic Gems

Unlock the Secrets of the Stars: Dive into a Universe of Cosmic Gems, Each a Digital Masterpiece of Celestial Inspiration. Official Project Tokens: $CGEMS

Created onFeb 13 2024 8:33 PMBlock 19143214
CollectionCosmic Gems

Transaction History

May 12 2024 11:24 PM20402027delistmarketplace-v2cosmos19sg...h60k7zView on Mintscan
Feb 24 2024 10:25 PM19297565listcosmos19sg...h60k7zmarketplace-v2View on Mintscan
Feb 24 2024 10:22 PM19297530delistmarketplace-v2cosmos19sg...h60k7zView on Mintscan
Feb 13 2024 8:43 PM19143304listcosmos19sg...h60k7zmarketplace-v2View on Mintscan
Feb 13 2024 8:33 PM19143214inscribeasteroidscosmos19sg...h60k7zView on Mintscan