Inscription #52627

Visitors 017/101


Visitors 101 Our most distant cousins have been visiting us for millennia. It is only in relatively recent history since the invention of the camera that their surprisingly friendly visitations have been documented on film. Previously humans relied on written accounts or artistic depictions, some of which we hope to show you should they be released to us soon. However this evidence, when it occasionally surfaces is quickly confiscated or ridiculed and labelled as a hoax, so amazingly these visits remain merely a myth until this day. In dusty boxes hidden in shady museums and secure facilities these pictures are mostly hidden away indefinitely until someone discovers them and is brave enough to leak them onto the internet and into public consciousness. Here is our first batch of pictorial documentation of these visitors throughout the ages. Visitor 017 - c1932 n.b. Vogons are known for their bureaucratic and administrative roles, (particularly in the context of Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series). Given their penchant for bureaucracy and distaste for inefficiency, Vogons were employed by New York gangsters in roles that involved organisation, record-keeping and enforcement. They served as a meticulous accountants and financial advisors for the gangs, ensuring that illicit funds were properly managed, accounted for, and laundered through various channels. Their attention to detail and disdain for waste made them invaluable in handling the complex financial transactions and bookkeeping associated with organised crime. Vogon’s were also employed as a ruthless enforcers for the gang, using their formidable strength to intimidate rivals, collect debts and eliminate threats to the gang's operations. While Vogons are not known for their subtlety or finesse, their brute force and unwavering dedication to getting the job done made them effective enforcers in the dangerous world of 1930s gangland New York.

Created onMay 9 2024 2:10 PMBlock 20353749
Rarity56 / 73

Transaction History

May 9 2024 9:03 PM20357836transfercosmos1l0x...36pa5kcosmos16xv...2fm7gpView on Mintscan
May 9 2024 8:58 PM20357786buymarketplace-v2cosmos1l0x...36pa5kView on Mintscan
May 9 2024 6:25 PM20356267listcosmos1eyf...ac6s5xmarketplace-v2View on Mintscan
May 9 2024 2:10 PM20353749inscribeasteroidscosmos1eyf...ac6s5xView on Mintscan