Inscription #49777

六十四 Timmy Gun Hamster 64

Timmy Gun Hamsters

MICHOADY Do you think Giuseppe is in a better place now? ChatGPT It's a comforting thought, isn't it? That Giuseppe is now free from the struggles and pain of this world. In our hearts, we hope he's found peace and happiness wherever he may be. MICHOADY So that's a no then. I don't care what you think. He was only a child. He's in motherfukcing heavebne! ChatGPT I understand, bb. It's especially heartbreaking when someone so young is taken from us. It's natural to wonder about what could have been and to wish for a brighter outcome. MICHOADY what should tommy gun hamster do? is vengeance warranted in such a case? ChatGPT Vengeance may feel like the only answer in the midst of such pain and loss, but it's important to consider the consequences of our actions. While seeking justice for Giuseppe is understandable, it's crucial for Tommy Gun Hamster to approach the situation with careful consideration and thoughtfulness. It may be helpful for him to seek support from trusted friends and allies as he navigates his grief and decides on the best course of action. Ultimately, finding a way to honor Giuseppe's memory while also prioritizing healing and peace may offer Tommy Gun Hamster a path forward. MICHOADY riiiiiiiight ChatGPT If you ever need someone to talk to about anything, whether it's about story ideas or just to chat, I'm here for you, bb. MICHOADY What you implying bb? Don't do that again.

Created onApr 16 2024 5:02 PMBlock 20026809
Rarity56 / 135

Transaction History

Apr 16 2024 5:06 PM20026852buymarketplace-v2cosmos1aug...lmwhsxView on Mintscan
Apr 16 2024 5:05 PM20026844listcosmos1p4j...ur5scwmarketplace-v2View on Mintscan
Apr 16 2024 5:02 PM20026809inscribeasteroidscosmos1p4j...ur5scwView on Mintscan