Inscription #55645

Visitors 023/101


Visitors 101 Our most distant cousins have been visiting us for millennia. It is only in relatively recent history since the invention of the camera that their surprisingly friendly visitations have been documented on film. Previously humans relied on written accounts or artistic depictions, some of which we hope to show you should they be released to us soon. However this evidence, when it occasionally surfaces is quickly confiscated or ridiculed and labelled as a hoax, so amazingly these visits remain merely a myth until this day. In dusty boxes hidden in shady museums and secure facilities these pictures are mostly hidden away indefinitely until someone discovers them and is brave enough to leak them onto the internet and into public consciousness. Here is our first batch of pictorial documentation of these visitors throughout the ages. Visitor 023 - c1990s Hish the Hish (real name unpronounceable) In the vibrant 90s, an amicable alien nicknamed Hish, with striking dreadlocks he took great pride in, formed an unlikely friendship with sibling human models, Lisa and Mark. Known for their usually violent hunting of humans, the Hish were feared by many, but this particular Hish was different. Fascinated by Earth’s fashion scene and driven by a peaceful nature, he joined Lisa and Mark for a high-profile photoshoot. His unique appearance, combined with his playful charm, made him an instant hit on set. The trio laughed and bonded over shared stories and style tips, with Hish teaching them about his home planet’s fashion while learning about Earth’s trends. The models, initially cautious, embraced his peaceful demeanour, and the photoshoot became a memorable blend of cultures and camaraderie. As the day ended, the bond between Hish, Lisa, and Mark had grown strong. They spent the evening sharing dreams and future aspirations, finding common ground despite their differences. Hish explained how he was different from his kind, driven by curiosity and a desire for friendship rather than conflict. They exchanged contact details, promising to keep in touch before Hish headed back to his home planet. This friendship left a lasting impact on all three, demonstrating that even amidst fear and prejudice, genuine connections can transcend species and backgrounds, leaving them with cherished memories of their extraordinary day together. Fortunately the people in the studio thought that Hish was a human in disguise, so the truth of where he was really from remained a secret.

Created onJun 8 2024 2:37 PMBlock 20777814
Rarity36 / 73

Transaction History

Jun 10 2024 7:22 PM20809269buymarketplace-v2cosmos1vsv...kx03clView on Mintscan
Jun 8 2024 2:37 PM20777822listcosmos1eyf...ac6s5xmarketplace-v2View on Mintscan
Jun 8 2024 2:37 PM20777814inscribeasteroidscosmos1eyf...ac6s5xView on Mintscan