Inscription #60364

Dank Wokely

The Asteroids

Dank Wokely is the self-proclaimed voice of the underserved in the Asteroids’ clubhouse, constantly "going to bat" for inclusivity and social change, at least in theory. With an ever-growing list of causes he's passionate about, Dank’s message often gets lost in the whirlwind of buzzwords and talking in circles, especially during his after-game press interviews, which have become notorious for their lack of substance. On the field, his performance leaves much to be desired. Offensively, he manages the occasional base hit but is otherwise known more for his talking than his walking. Defensively, Dank’s play is riddled with errors, largely due to his strong opposition to traditional practice schedules. He’s been lobbying for a PFH (Practice from Home) policy, a stance that’s baffled teammates and critics alike. Last season, Dank made headlines by sitting out entirely in protest of a few unvaccinated players on the Asteroids team. Ironically, his push for an "all-inclusive" clubhouse seems to exclude anyone who doesn’t align perfectly with his ideals, most notably, the unvaccinated and the fan-favorite slugger Bocephus.

Created onNov 26 2024 1:19 AMBlock 23236759
CollectionThe Asteroids
Rarity1 / 31

Transaction History

Nov 26 2024 1:20 AM23236765listcosmos14mz...ggwhc6marketplace-v2View on Mintscan
Nov 26 2024 1:19 AM23236759inscribeasteroidscosmos14mz...ggwhc6View on Mintscan