Inscription #49775

六十二 Timmy Gun Hamster 62

Timmy Gun Hamsters

Timmy Gun Hamster ends up staying Italy for over 6 weeks on a massive drugs, alcohol, and whore binge. He mixes in some more gambling too. He is totally out of control and we already used the ghost of his dead father. So I was thinking his top lieutenant Angelo could come talk some sense to him in an honestly brutal bro friend kind of way. Perhaps he calls Tommy Gun "A turd." And Timmy Gun says like "Don't forget who the F I am Angelo." And like Angelo says, "You're no longer the hamster you once was. Not even close. Not even one whisker worth!" Tommy Gun Hamster reaches for his tommy gun but stops. He breaks down and pours his heart to Angelo for over five hours about his childhood. Finally Angelo shakes him by the breast collar. Shut up man let's go killing! There's some horrible news I forgot to tell you. They killed Giuseepe. I'm so sorry. Please write this scene like it's the last ChadGPT EXT. ROME, ITALY - LUXURIOUS VILLA - NIGHT The opulent villa stands silent against the backdrop of the Roman night, its marble pillars gleaming in the moonlight as Timmy Gun Hamster indulges in his weeks-long binge of debauchery and excess. Angelo, Timmy's top lieutenant, stands outside the villa, his expression grave as he prepares to confront his friend and leader. ANGELO: (to himself) Damn it, Timmy. You're out of control. With a heavy sigh, Angelo pushes open the door and steps inside, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous halls. ANGELO: (calling out) Timmy! Where the hell are you? In the depths of the villa, Timmy Gun Hamster lounges in a haze of drugs and alcohol, his mind clouded by the memories of his past and the weight of his sins. TIMMY GUN: (slurring) Angelo? Is that you, bro? ANGELO: (entering the room) Yeah, it's me. And I gotta tell you, Tommy, you're acting like a turd. Timmy's eyes flash with anger, his fur bristling at the insult. TIMMY GUN: (dangerously) Watch your mouth, Angelo. Don't forget who the F I am. ANGELO: (unflinchingly) I haven't forgotten, Tommy. But you? You're no longer the hamster you once were. Not even close. Not even one whisker worth. For a moment, silence hangs heavy in the air as Timmy's rage simmers beneath the surface. But then, something shifts. A glimmer of vulnerability breaks through the facade of bravado. TIMMY GUN: (voice trembling) Angelo... I don't know what to do, man. I'm lost. Angelo's expression softens, his heart aching for his friend's pain. ANGELO: (placing a paw on Timmy's shoulder) I know, Tommy. I know. But you can't keep running from your demons. You gotta face 'em head-on, no matter how much it hurts. And then, as if a dam has burst, Timmy Gun Hamster breaks down, his tears flowing freely as he pours out his heart to Angelo. For hours they talk, sharing memories of childhood and secrets long buried. ANGELO: (gently shaking Timmy) Shut up, man. Let's go killin'. There's some horrible news I forgot to tell you. They killed Giuseepe. I'm so sorry. The weight of Angelo's words hangs heavy in the air as Timmy's resolve hardens once more, his eyes flashing with determination. TIMMY GUN: (grimly) They'll pay for this, Angelo. Every last one of 'em. And with that, Timmy Gun Hamster and Angelo set off into the night, their hearts heavy with grief and their minds set on vengeance. FADE OUT. END SCENE.

Created onApr 16 2024 4:37 PMBlock 20026566
Rarity54 / 135

Transaction History

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