Inscription #56560

Visitors 040/101


Visitors 101 Our most distant cousins have been visiting us for millennia. It is only in relatively recent history since the invention of the camera that their surprisingly friendly visitations have been documented on film. Previously humans relied on written accounts or artistic depictions, some of which we hope to show you should they be released to us soon. However this evidence, when it occasionally surfaces is quickly confiscated or ridiculed and labelled as a hoax, so amazingly these visits remain merely a myth until this day. In dusty boxes hidden in shady museums and secure facilities these pictures are mostly hidden away indefinitely until someone discovers them and is brave enough to leak them onto the internet and into public consciousness. Here is our first batch of pictorial documentation of these visitors throughout the ages. Visitor 040 - c1900s Thalor -Betelgeusian In the quaint seaside town of Blackpool, amidst the swirling mist and echoes of seagulls, lived Maisy, a psychic whose talents were as peculiar as the town's winding streets. One evening, under the gauzy veil of twilight, Maisy extended her thoughts beyond the confines of her world. To her astonishment, she encountered Thalor, an extra-terrestrial a second-generation entity from Betelgeuse, born in the labyrinthine chambers of Inner Earth. "Thalor," Maisy's thoughts shimmered through the ether, "I never imagined I would touch minds with someone from such distant origins. How is it possible that our spirits meet in this way?" "Ah, Maisy," Thalor's reply floated back, woven with stardust and the scent of ancient caverns, "the cosmos is a tapestry of dreams, where minds can entwine irrespective of the fabric of reality." Their psychic communion blossomed into an esoteric correspondences; each thought a brushstroke on the canvas of their shared consciousness. Months passed, each encounter painting their connection with hues of wonder and mystery. Eventually, Thalor ventured to Blackpool, his presence a surreal spectacle against the mundane backdrop of the seaside town. "Your world, Maisy, is a kaleidoscope of enchantments," Thalor mused as they wandered the pier, the wind whispering secrets in their ears. "Our bond, born of curiosity and affection, has the power to transcend boundaries and alter destinies." "And your existence, Thalor," Maisy responded, her eyes reflecting the depths of his otherworldly gaze, "is a revelation of the unknown, a reminder that love and understanding can bridge even the most cosmic of divides." Their unusual union, a symphony of cosmic and terrestrial harmonies, wielded a profound influence. Through their ethereal bond, they whispered into the minds of leaders, weaving peace where war once loomed, crafting a tapestry of tranquillity that stretched across the stars. In their hands, the fate of the world became a masterpiece of serenity, an artwork of existence where love and friendship made the chaos of the universe irrelevant. N.B. It is rumoured Maisy and Thalor long since left for Thalor's home world, and this could attest to why there has since been much turmoil throughout Earthly realms.

Created onJul 7 2024 1:21 PMBlock 21187932
Rarity4 / 73

Transaction History

Jul 7 2024 1:23 PM21187947listcosmos1eyf...ac6s5xmarketplace-v2View on Mintscan
Jul 7 2024 1:21 PM21187932inscribeasteroidscosmos1eyf...ac6s5xView on Mintscan