1M $COCKS grand prize: July 28th - Sept 15th 2024. Compete by holding one Moon Chicken inscription and > 20,000 $COCKS tokens. 69 Moon Chickens and 21M $COCKS tokens (sold out in < 8 hours on Stars.Pampit.Fun) X.com Link for details about Moon Chicken's next step. All #VEGGS and #Beetles inscription holders will be sent 100 $COCKS tokens at the end of the Moon Chicken competition. All #VEGGS and #Beetles inscription holders can obtain a 900% bonus if they send 100 $COCKS tokens to the Moon Chicken Stars address: stars19u3je9zlwt2266kqgf47nvns557ce4w7jzquqd within 48 hours of the Moon Chicken + $COCKS competition launch on July 28th 00:00 GMT. Our gamification strategy turns a typical unsuccessful pump token into a game of chicken (defined below) with high stakes, high risk and the highest rewards. Only 69 Moon Chicken inscriptions will be made available during our primary launch. The game of chicken models two drivers, both headed for a single-lane bridge from opposite directions. The first to swerve away yields the bridge to the other. If neither player swerves, the result is a costly deadlock in the middle of the bridge or a potentially fatal head-on collision. It is presumed that the best thing for each driver is to stay straight while the other swerves (since the other is the "chicken" while a crash is avoided). Additionally, a crash is presumed to be the worst outcome for both players. This yields a situation where each player, in attempting to secure their best outcome, risks the worst. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_(game)